2 Oz property
The 2 oz. property is located 23 km SE of Stewart, B.C. and approximately 20 km north of Goliath Resources’ Surebet discovery.
The property hosts two MINFILE showings: Cy and Fever.
CY Mineral Showing
Hazelton Group volcanics (Jurassic) intruded by Eocene Coast Plutonic Complex rocks.
Diverse volcanic lithologies: pyroclastics, feldspar-hornblende phyrics, and epiclastics.
Widespread alteration (chlorite, epidote) indicative of mineralizing system.
Structurally controlled: shear zones (~320 degrees) and intrusive dikes.
Key Minerals: pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite.
Highly anomalous gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc across numerous samples.
Highlight Assay: Sample LVL-CY1-142: 56 g/t gold, 670.4 g/t silver, >1% copper
FEVER Mineral Showing
Dominated by Eocene Coast Plutonic Complex granodiorite and diorite.
Contact with hornfelsed Hazelton Group sediments (Jurassic) to the east.
Alteration: epidotization, chloritization, and disseminated pyrite/pyrrhotite.
Quartz microvein stockwork with chalcopyrite, pyrite, and molybdenite.
Highlight Assay (Sample 331045):
2.0% copper
50.2 g/t silver
0.16% zinc
0.17 g/t gold