Located ~500m from Bralorne Mine, Bralorne South covers 350 hectares of ground containing 2 prospects (B.R. Jewel and Short O’Bacon) and 1 showing. The B.R. Jewel consists of quartz veins hosted in Upper Triassic Pioneer Formation (Cadwallader Group) greenstone with nearby or “associated” diorite of the Permian Bralorne Igneous Complex. The prospect has been explored by trenching, adits, and diamond drilling. Discovered in 1938, Pioneer Gold Mines drove the Ho Bo Adit 120m into the BRJ#1 vein - a well-defined ribboned quartz vein with gouge and crushed wallrock on either side. The BRJ#1 averages 1m in width and mineralization consists of local sparse pyrite, tetrahedrite, and arsenopyrite. 1948 values from within the adit indicated a grade of 8.57 g/t Au over a length of 52m and a width of 0.83m. 2 selected samples from the north end of the vein averaged 140.5 g/t Au and 617 g/t Ag. 3 BQ diamond drill holes were drilled across the easterly extension of the vein in 1981.
DDH 81-1 cut the vein over 2.74m (86.26-89m deep). Assays included 1.30 g/t Au and 1.03 g/t Ag over 0.305m.
DDH 81-2 cut the vein over 1.98m (87.39-89.37m deep). Assays were low.
DDH81-3 cut quartz/calcite fracturing over 0.80m (108.8-109.6m deep). Assays included 2.09 g/t Au and 1.03 g/t Ag over this zone.
The Short O’ Bacon is a quartz vein hosted in greenstone that ranges from a few inches to 2m in width. Samples were reported to assay up to 23.31 g/t Ag and trace Au (National Mineral Inventory 092J15).
In 2020, Wild West conducted a reconnaissance MMI program over the area. Results included 4 highly anomalous Au samples in the vicinity of the B.R. Jewel Adit.
TARGET: Gold Quartz Veins
2022 Assessment Report
2020 Assessment Report