Bralorne West
The Bralorne West property is located immediately west of Talisker’s BRX project in the Bridge River
Mining camp of British Columbia. Historical work within the claims has focused on two strong, N-S
trending quartz veins located along the western slopes of the Hurley River known as the Jupiter and
Louise veins. A 3rd vein, from which very good gold assays were reportedly obtained, is situated somewhere to the west of the Jupiter vein.
The Jupiter vein has been traced for 400 m on surface. The veins were thought to extend considerably
further along strike to the north and south but were not able to have been traced on account of
In July 2022, a drone magnetic survey was flown over the Bralorne West claims. Results indicate a
450 m x 400 m circular magnetic high in the southeastern portion of the claims. This is interpreted as
a possible buried intrusion. It is situated 300 m north, and along strike of, the Jupiter and Louise veins. This area is coincident with 2022 MMI and 1988 soil Ag-As-Sb anomalies.
TARGET: Au-quartz veins
2022 Assessment Report