Summers fault
The Summers Fault Property is located south and east of Rampart Lake, ~15.5km north of Princeton, B.C. The Princeton area has undergone extensive porphyry copper exploration as a result of the Copper Mountain Mine south of Princeton. Exploration for porphyry copper deposits in the Princeton area reached a peak in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The efforts of this exploration period resulted in the identification of several advanced and developed prospects along a northerly trending belt of Nicola Group volcanics. A number of these historic copper porphyry mineral occurrences have been receiving recent exploration. Of note is the MPD property where Kodiak Copper has consolidated four of these occurences (Man, Prime, Dillard, and Axe) and 2020 drilling intersected 535m of 0.49% Cu and 0.29 g/t Au. The Summers Fault Property is contiguous with Kodiak’s MPD property. The claims overlie a contact between the Osprey Lake batholith and Nicola Group volcanics.
Wild West work on the property has identified 4 anomalous areas including a 1.3km long x 500m wide zone containing a strong lead-zinc anomaly that encircles a strong copper and moderate gold-silver-molybdenum anomaly. The peripheral lead-zinc anomaly is interpreted as a classical lead-zinc shell around an intrusive target.
TARGET: Cu porphyry
2021 Assessment Report on Summers Fault
2020 Assessment Report on Summers Fault