Located 55 km from Pemberton and 30km from Bralorne, the Brett covers >2,000 hectares of land containing 2 past producers and 1 showing. The property straddles the projected extension of the Cadwallader Fault (the same fault system that hosts the Bralorne and Pioneer mines to the west).
The focus of exploration within the claims has been on the Brett vein - a 4-7 metre wide quartz vein that strikes north and dips steeply west. Visible gold is concentrated locally and is occasionally coarse. Historical grab samples from the vein include erratic highs of up to 442.92 oz/t Au.
Wild West has conducted MMI surveys in 2020-21 that trace the Brett vein over a distance of 850m. Sampling is open to the north and south.
TARGET: Gold Quartz Veins
Video 2 from the Brett Adit
On the left is a specimen from the Brett vein linked from Below BC.
The Brett gold mine was located around the same time as many of the principal claims of the Bralorne-Pioneer property.
In the 1860s, a considerable amount of placer gold was first discovered in McGillivray Creek. Following the gold upstream, it was noticed that no appreciable gold was mined above the confluence of an easterly creek called Gold Creek. It was inferred that much, if not all, of the coarse, little-worn placer gold originated between Gold Creek and Anderson Lakes.
In 1897, the Brett brothers staked and trenched the north side of McGillivray Creek. They discovered large gold-bearing quartz float boulders. Working uphill, they eventually found the gold-bearing quartz in place and the Anderson Lake Mining and Milling Company was formed to take over the claims. Almost from the beginning, however, there was dissension among the directors and stockholders of the Company. The original locators and vendors of the claims, due to alleged non-fulfillment of contract, would not permit the claims to be Crown granted. The Company was virtually in debt at the outset and this dissension arrested the development of what was at the time considered to be one of the most promising gold properties in the Lillooet district.
Since then the vein has been mined on 6 levels (“1st”, “2nd”, “3rd”, “Mac”, “49er”, and “Pep”). The strength, width, and mineralization of the vein are reported to improve as depth increases. In the 49er level, historical sampling includes extremely high gold assays (442.92 oz, 69.43 oz, 76.06 oz, 64.45 oz/ton) occur across narrow widths and low to medium-high assays (0.06 oz, 0.65 oz, 0.95 oz/ton) occur across mining widths.
Adit #3 remains open.
Video from the Brett Adit
The Province Articles on the Brett (1962)

Brett (Golden Contact) Mine Workings
Brett Assessment Report - 2021
Brett Assessment Report - 2020