The Glacier Creek Property is situated in the Skeena Mining Division, approximately 4 km northwest ofStewart, B.C. The property is located in the Glacier-Albany creeks area on the east side of the Bear River valley. Access to the property is by road from Stewart. The Salmon Glacier highway is <1 km from the western boundary of the claim. The Dunwell Mine Road provides access to the northwest portion of the property.
In the Glacier Creek area, several silver-lead-zinc deposits are distributed over a distance of 6.5 km along a composite fault zone in argillite known as the Portland Canal Fissure Zone. The Glacier Creek Property covers approximately 2 km of this zone. The property hosts several significant silver-lead-zinc showings, including Lucky Joe, Lulu-Victory, Little Wonder, O.K, Lucky Boy, Melba, O.K. South, Mosquito, and Olga.
Significant Historical Assays:
Glacier Creek Crosscut Adit:
3.7-meter channel sample yielded 2.74 g/t gold, 34.3 g/t silver, 4% zinc.
Composite of 28m long mineralized seam: 7.88 g/t gold, 94 6/t silver, 3.36% lead, 0.96% zinc.
Little Wonder Tunnel:
Composite sample from a mineralized band returned 63.1 g/t gold, 137 g/t silver, 5% lead, and 6% zinc.
Lucky Boy Vein:
18” surface channel sample: 2.23 g/t gold, 805 g/t silver, 58% lead, and 16% zinc.
O.K. South Drift (Mosquito Zone):
0.75m wide, 18-meter long zone: averaged 2.23 g/t gold, 36 g/t silver, 1.64% lead, and 2.9% zinc.
The Portland Canal Fissure Zone (bottom map, black dashed lines) is a strong exploration target for silver-lead-zinc mineralization. While the area experienced significant historical activity, recent exploration on the property has been limited. There is strong potential to uncover new deposits and extensions through follow-up investigations of historical workings, utilizing modern exploration techniques.
TARGET: Au, Ag, Pb, Zn